Do you spray round up?
Originally introduced in 1974 by Monsanto, Roundup is one of the word’s most commonly used herbicids. Roundup contains glyphosate. which has been declared a “probable humn carcinogen” from the international agency for the research on cancer.
Originally introduced in 1974 by Monsanto, Roundup is one of the word’s most commonly used herbicids. Roundup contains glyphosate. Originally introduced in 1974 by Monsanto, Roundup is one of the word’s most commonly used herbicids. Roundup contains glyphosate. which has been declared a “probable humn carcinogen” from the international agency for the research on cancer.
Originally introduced in 1974 by Monsanto, Roundup is one of the word’s most commonly used herbicids. Roundup contains glyphosate.